I am so happy to share with you another of my spoils from my visit to Gosling Pond B&B last weekend.
Late Saturday afternoon Kate brought me over to Fairy Tale Farm to meet her friend Jen. Nestled in the hills is the sweetest farm one could imagine. In a sloped and rolling yard, that is bordered by a stone wall (that Jen built herself) roams chickens, rooster, peacocks, guinea fowl and a very friendly turkey named Frank. In fact, he quite startled me by walking right up to me. He’s got quite the plumage reminiscent of an Indian headdress, and I couldn’t help but think of him as being on constant parade. Also on the farm there is Sally the goat, Biggie the boar (sacked out and snoring in his stall), and a horse who’s name I didn’t catch.
When we first arrived the peacock was displaying his gorgeous tail, while the peahen was on the other side of the wall peeking over. The greens and blues of his feathers were stunning even on that overcast afternoon.
In addition to growing and selling gorgeous produce in the warmer months, Jen also sells gorgeous eggs from her chickens. On the farm are several varieties of hens, and in the chick pen, were a new batch of even more varieties. The different breeds lay different colored eggs, enabling Jen to put together a stunning pastel array into her dozens.
It’s these lovely eggs that Kate provides to her guests each morning. Pretty bowls of pale blues, greens and tan eggs for breakfast. I’ve got a nice batch of those too- so look for a post (or two) soon using those.
But Jen doesn’t raise lamb, this meat comes from another friend’s farm down the road that Jen had got in trade. During our conversation about the politics of sustainable farming and the state of the farming community in their area, the subject came up that I loved lamb. Jen jumped up and pulled this piece out of the freezer for me and generously offered it as a gift. I couldn’t have been more thrilled.
That looks classy and delicious. There’s no better way to enjoy red wine than with a nice serving of red meat.
cabernet sauvignon