With great joy I write to you from my new desk in my new home. This will be the first holiday meal in my new home which for me is the best housewarming gift I could imagine. To fill my home by pulling out pots and pans and create beautiful food for those I love- this is a gift. All around my table will be those that I love most in the world. My table, my loves, my home. So wonderful.
This past year has been one of great challenges. To be honest, I am getting weary of them. My father passed away this week seven years ago. Ever since that time my life has been on an often difficult twisting ride. Don’t get me wrong, it has not been all bad, if fact, some remarkably wonderful and “best” times have occurred. I am grateful for those times.
I believe in 7 year cycles. I believe that there are seasons of things. Though there have been many times I preferred easier moments, I have been taught many lessons, and I am stronger and more peaceful for having been through the experiences. Life is never easy, nor do I expect it to me, but I believe my spinning now will be in a positive and productive direction. It’s a heart expanding and wonderful feeling.
Of course this year we have had immediate reasons to take time to reflect and hold dear ones closer. As a person who witness NYC’s attack first hand, my heart goes out to my sisters and brothers in Paris, and everyone around the world, for I believe we’ve all been touched by this.
I’ve been asked more than once recently if I am concerned to be living in the city again, a place where threats seem to be more likely. Each day I/we step out into uncertainty. We are a compact people with many personalities and bump and jostle together as we each make our way. But am I concerned? Not a whit.
I live my life in happiness and joy. I am tickled every single day when I roam the city streets. All sorts of people, such beautiful people, all living side by side. Life is so rich here, why would I darken it with sour thoughts? No, I do not fear assault. I prefer to move with grace and amongst grace.
What I am more concerned with is time. As my mother ages, and my children mature, and my own body begins to creak, I find time more precious. During my recent packing and unpacking, one of the joys is going through the memories. Honestly, moving is exhausting work, but touching all my loved things, and flipping through photos, or remembering the stories behind objects I have collected- it is delicious. I am reminded how we impact the world. How we fit in. How we connect to each other.
Which is what this blog is all about.
Gathering around tables has always been the best place to create bonds and strengthen the ring. Yeah yeah, we sometimes bicker and fight with each other- but for the most part-time heals those wounds, and the being togetherness is richer than the cost.
I send you all the warmest and most heartfelt Thanksgiving affection in my heart. The folding napkins, the clinking of silverware on china, the rustle of platters and pots in the sink is a symphony to me. As those sounds emanate from wherever you are, know that those vibrations will find their way to my heart and resonate with me- and for that I am thankful.

- 1 12oz package of cranberries
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup port wine
- 1 tangerine, deseeded and diced
- Place all the ingredients into a small saucepan and place over a medium/low flame. Bring the mixture to a low boil and cook until the berries have burst and there is a thick sauce.
- As the sauce cools it will thicken. I like to keep my berries just slightly whole for more texture. I also think it adds a touch of acidity too.
- The conserve may be made several days in advance.
Just dropping by to say I hope you had a terrific Thanksgiving and long holiday weekend!