I have the immense pleasure of a sweeping view of the Hudson River facing the setting sun. With the setting sun mellowing the colors of the day I sit in my window watching boats ease their way up and down the river. It may not be the dock on the bay that I really crave, but for city life I feel blessed to live in. More of the Sauvignon Blanc, famous for its vegetal and sprightly flavor, accompanied my meal. Nothing beats this combination- and with it came another wonderful summer sound- the slurp of sucking the cockles from their beautiful shells and the clink of the discarded shells falling into the bowl.
main course
Open Tuna Sandwich with Anchovy Dressing
In order to conserve space in my tiny (read: teeny tiny) kitchen, I have done away with my trusty toaster oven. It’s amazing to me that I can live without it when I used to turn that baby on at least twice a day. In addition to the feeling from the satisfying lack of burning unnecessary electricity, my toast and toasted things consumption has not suffered one bit.
I mostly rely on my stove top grill and toast my bread right on top. I even am known to toast bread directly over the flame with a set of long tongs, which is what I did here. Got me a nice char going there in seconds flat. Tasty too.
The best part of the simple sandwich is the vinegary, fish laced dressing that soaked into the bread. It complimented the tuna rather than competed with it, and it had enough oomph to add brightness to the tomatoes too.
The days are at their longest now. I hope you get to take some time to enjoy the sunlight and the hum and of world as it filters in through screened windows. Enjoy!